2 Hour Projects

I built a tree! Well this is actually the second tree I made. Using real life, tree branches and twigs for armatures.   Here is how it started. A bag of sticks, some glue, a bag of lichen (next time round, the bag of lichen will be swapped for a […]

I Built a Tree!

Whilst doing some quick reading about using Lichen for bushes and with tree armatures, I accidentally stumbled upon this brilliant article! For a few weeks now I’ve been thinking about how to model different styles of bushes, and I was coming up blank for this particular style. But this bloke […]

I Just Read About a Unique Way to Make Bushes. ...

Check out this video of grass application, no static applicators needed!   I cant wait to test out this method. We’re almost ready to start some more advanced scenery on our layout, and there will be a couple of perfect places to use it.   Video by Carstens Train Video […]

Easy and Cheap Grass, No Static Applicatior Needed! [Video]

After running my consists around our first 4×8 layout for a little while I noticed my lighter, or maybe cheaper, cars tend to derail easier than some of the heavier ones. When running one of my favourite locos (an old DC unit from a Lima set), it seemed like the […]

Rolling Stock Derailing?

So you ask… What’s the best thing I’ve done to my layout to make it feel more complete, and gain a bit of storage space to boot? I put a skirt on it! I nipped down to spotlight the other day and grabbed a 30m roll of black fabric, it […]

One simple project to make progress on the layout AND ...

Metal wheels are a quick and easy upgrade for model train rolling stock. After the upgrade you can look forward to fewer derailments and better long term electrical conductivity too… This could be the best value project you’ll ever do on your layout, what’s not to like! The metal wheels […]

Metal Wheel Upgrade For Rolling Stock

Hi everyone, welcome to Modeling Trains! Just a quick note to let you know I’ve got some great content lined up for future posts. I’ve got a lot of general tips which I’ve personally picked up over the last few years, and even some wisdom handed to me from my […]

Welcome to Modeling Trains!

Lately I’ve been focused on completing the construction of the layout modules, laying and fixing roadbed and track, and doing all the under bench wiring soldering feeders to the bus… and the rest! But for now I think I need to change gears for a bit and learn a new […]

Weathering Rolling Stock and Scenery Without an Airbrush

This is a placeholder post for the future project of weathering engines, freight cars and passenger cars! I have been researching the best techniques, and cant wait to share them with you! I’m aiming to create a video how to series for this topic too! Stay Tuned!

Weathering! [Placeholder]

This is a placeholder post for the future project of building trees, forests, bushland, the works!   I have been researching the best techniques, and cant wait to share them with you!   I’m aiming to create a video how to series for this topic too!   Stay Tuned!

Making Trees. [Placeholder]