I’ve been tossing around ideas for the final style of the layout, and the other day I had a hit of inspiration for the back corner module. We were in a bit of a hurry when we decided to start construction of this layout, finishing themes and style took a […] This Corner Module got a Makeover. AKA: I dug a ...
1 I built a tree! Well this is actually the second tree I made. Using real life, tree branches and twigs for armatures. Here is how it started. A bag of sticks, some glue, a bag of lichen (next time round, the bag of lichen will be swapped for a […] I Built a Tree!
I stumbled upon this great website the other day, http://www.pacificcoastairlinerr.com/volcanic_rocks/ They have a great tutorial for using ceiling tiles to create volcanic rocks / rockwalls. I’m thinking about using this material for creating larger cliff faces on one of our sectional modules. As you may have read we have […] Ceiling Tile for Creating Rockwalls and Cliff faces
Whilst doing some quick reading about using Lichen for bushes and with tree armatures, I accidentally stumbled upon this brilliant article! For a few weeks now I’ve been thinking about how to model different styles of bushes, and I was coming up blank for this particular style. But this bloke […] I Just Read About a Unique Way to Make Bushes. ...
Check out this video. It could be a game changer. I’ve been thinking about getting some rock moulds to add detail to my layout, but really wanted to do larger sections, then I stumbled upon this video and a new technique: Using Plasticine to create custom rock moulds! I […] Realistic Cliff Faces. Using Super Easy, Custom, Rock Moulds
The latest progress on the layout! Constructing a mountain! For this mountain we used aluminium flyscreen and Plaster of Paris. It has to be aluminium flyscreen (not fibreglass or stainless). Small batches of Plaster of Paris are a necessity – it goes off real quick when working. The beauty of […] Mountain Construction with Flyscreen and Plaster of Paris
Inspired by Shapeways. The technology available to model train enthusiasts is now entering an amazing age. I love going online and reading the latest progress my friends have made, especially when it comes to detailing their layouts, and it truly is the little things that make the biggest difference. Unfortunately […] 3D Printing Accurate Detail Parts with Shapeways
1 Check out this video of grass application, no static applicators needed! I cant wait to test out this method. We’re almost ready to start some more advanced scenery on our layout, and there will be a couple of perfect places to use it. Video by Carstens Train Video […] Easy and Cheap Grass, No Static Applicatior Needed! [Video]
Initially I was going to wire the underside of my layout with quick clip solderless connectors, like you’d use in automotive applications, because I didn’t want to be cutting and joining wires for hours at a time and dealing with those associated problems. I was going to use these T-Tap […] Probably the Greatest Tool for Wiring a Larger Layout
1 Bare with me while I find more pictures, and write some more words. But for now, here we go! Test fit, for width. Both sides fabricated. We ended up much wider. For a single track and room on each side for the “0-5-0 switcher “. Once the […] My Dad built a pretty big bridge, from scratch!
Here’s a gallery of our original 4×8′ layout. It was retired when we started construction on the new 14.5×10′ layout. You can see it featured a figure 8 loop an oval around the outside and a couple of spur tracks. We had a great time forming the hills / mountain […] The History of our Layout – 4×8 Settrack Goodness [Gallery]
My two main go-to programs for model railroad track design software are SCARM and Anyrail. SCARM: SCARM (Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller) is such a powerful, and FREE, program. you can design a layout of near infinite complexity with it. Its amazing… And did I mention it’s for free! […] Track and Layout Design Software
So you ask… What’s the best thing I’ve done to my layout to make it feel more complete, and gain a bit of storage space to boot? I put a skirt on it! I nipped down to spotlight the other day and grabbed a 30m roll of black fabric, it […] One simple project to make progress on the layout AND ...
2 Hi everyone, welcome to Modeling Trains! Just a quick note to let you know I’ve got some great content lined up for future posts. I’ve got a lot of general tips which I’ve personally picked up over the last few years, and even some wisdom handed to me from my […] Welcome to Modeling Trains!
This is a placeholder post for the future project of wiring the layout. Confused about DC / DCC? Don’t know the difference between a bus and a feeder? Come with me on my journey to discover the secrets and tips for the advanced wiring for your model train layout. […] Wiring and controllers [placeholder]