Mountain Construction with Flyscreen and Plaster of Paris

The latest progress on the layout! Constructing a mountain!

For this mountain we used aluminium flyscreen and Plaster of Paris. It has to be aluminium flyscreen (not fibreglass or stainless). Small batches of Plaster of Paris are a necessity – it goes off real quick when working.

The beauty of flyscreen for the base structure of a mountain is that it holds its form slightly once you scrunch it up. We started using staples to affix the mesh to the layout base, fascia and backboard. But it was a little clunky getting a good angle for stapling, so we switched to using a hot glue gun – worked a treat!

Here’s a Rundown for the First 10 Steps of our Mountain Construction

Step 1 Cut an oversized piece of flyscreen mesh.


Step 2 Scrunch it up!

Step 3 Unfold and shape your hill / mountain.



Step 4 Start on one edge, and use a hot glue gun or staple gun to fix the mountain to the layout.20150905_165809

We also screwed a couple of long wood screws into some strategic locations to pop out the side of the mountain in case of cave in while securing mesh to the layout and then for applying Plaster of Paris.



Step 5 Mix up a SMALL batch of Plaster of Paris and apply light coats with a paintbrush.

A small amount of plaster once set offers huge structural integrity. Light coats are best, and they set quicker too.

The first attempt on the larger mountain, I went a bit thick and the main ridge started to sag! I had to quickly add some interior support.

I quickly learned to focus on the peaks and troughs with very light coverage for the first application. The second hill went quite smoothly.

Many thin coats are key.


Step 6 Let the plaster and dry then its time for paint!

Step 7 Highlight the valleys and nooks with black or dark grey


Step 8 Hit the rest of the mountain in a lighter colour. We went with a grey. If its a less “rocky” rise you’re modeling you might try a dark green or brown.


Step 9 Highlight the peaks with an even lighter colour. We went with a light grey. Again, let it suit your colour scheme.


Step 10 Highlight the middle ground – anywhere grass would grow – with dabs of greens and browns. You want to remove most of the paint off the brush, so when you dab its patchy not wet and splodgy – if that makes sense!


Step 11 … We haven’t got that far yet. I’m sure the next few steps will involve flocking, long grass, trees and shrubs!



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