So you ask… What’s the best thing I’ve done to my layout to make it feel more complete, and gain a bit of storage space to boot? I put a skirt on it!
I nipped down to spotlight the other day and grabbed a 30m roll of black fabric, it was about 120cm wide. I cant recall the price at the moment, but it was quite acceptable, doubly so for the end result!
Spotlight also had a FREE membership card you could sign up for and get a further 10%off. Bargain!
I ran that fabric around the front face of all the modules. Hit it on the top edge with the staple gun every 300mm or so, and made a skirt for the layout.
It instantly made it feel closer to completion!
It hid all the boxes of useful “junk” that I’ll need to complete this layout.
Strangely it even looked more structurally sound (the legs for the modules may need to be improved slightly!).
All the loose / hanging wiring from running the bus and feeders will be hidden.
And I guess it is even a physical and psychological barrier to stop the kids climbing under the benchwork.
All this is important for us, as we’re building the layout in my parents entertaining/living room! So anything to improve aesthetics is a winner!
Just a note, these pics are from before we completed construction of the rest of the modules, turning this dogbone style into a full “around the room” style layout.
I’ll find some more (before) pics for you guys soon!