Welcome to Modeling Trains! 2

modelingtrains loga fbsmalltrans

Hi everyone, welcome to Modeling Trains!

Just a quick note to let you know I’ve got some great content lined up for future posts.

I’ve got a lot of general tips which I’ve personally picked up over the last few years, and even some wisdom handed to me from my father. These tips should come in handy for almost any model train layout.

Also I hope to have some specific posts about our own layout which has been under construction for FAR too long. This blog should help with the motivation and accountability!

I’ve seen some great techniques mentioned in forums or on youtube and I want to try them out for myself.  I plan to capture some of the action and pop a video up for you guys to see. I guarantee it’ll be AT LEAST as good as watching paint dry.

You could even send me suggestions – I’ll be your guinea pig. Just sign up to the email list at the bottom of the page 🙂


Some info about our layout. I’m sure to expand on it at a future date, but here’s a quick summary:

Its a HO scale layout,  with a reverse loop section. 12’x14′ around the room style, built in a modular fashion for easy storage and transport (if/when needed). Most modules are 2’x4′.

We decided on DCC instead of DC. The main cab is a Digitrax Zephyr, but we also have a wireless controller for the kids to run around with.

I think we have about 5 or 6 DCC engines, and a handful of DC ones too – my favourite is from my childhood.

We have a couple of DCC engines with sound (which the kids love!) and because of that, at times, it makes me want to look in the manual for the volume commands. haha :p


More to come soon.



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2 thoughts on “Welcome to Modeling Trains!

    • Adam Post author

      Thanks for the comment 🙂
      I really need to sort that out!
      I know I’ve got heaps of photos on the construction of our layout and little projects I’ve done in the past… I’ve just got to find and consolidate all the random folders I’ve put them in over the last few years, and then upload a bunch of the best ones.

      Thanks again 🙂